
Do You Have Allergies to Mold?

In recent years, insulation methods such as PVC windows, interior/exterior sheathing that have been made mandatory to prevent heat loss also prevent new generation houses from getting air, and they can start the molding process by combining hot environment with high humidity.
Sometimes colorless molds and sometimes green molds, which manifest themselves as a swollen wall plaster, emit volatile organic compounds into the home air with their distinctive odors, and these emitted substances can cause respiratory problems such as cough and shortness of breath even in an individual who has no health problems. Molds, which are of equal importance to cigarettes as a source of air pollution, also cause ""mold allergy"" in individuals with allergies.

10 Precautions Child or Adult Allergic Asthma Patients Should Take To Avoid Mold:

1- To determine the amount of humidity in the home air with the help of a moisture meter and attempt to reduce the humidity above 45%.
2- If there is a leakage pipe in the kitchen or bathroom in the house, to go for repair as soon as possible.
3- If there is a plaster crack causing water intake on the walls, have it repaired
4- If there are closed areas in the house that are not exposed to sunlight and do not receive air, go to the ventilation way
5- Not covering areas with moisture problems with carpet
6- If mold has formed on the floor coverings, throwing them away and renewing them
7- To ensure that these areas are well ventilated after using the bathroom and kitchen
8- Using an air conditioner or dehumidifier to reduce the amount of moisture at home
9- To apply insulation to the walls that sweat due to the difference in internal and external temperature before mold occurs
10- To clean the mold on hard floors when asthma patients are not at home by brushing with bleach, oxygenated water or water and soap.